Reya Fet

Birthday: September 20th
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Astrological Sign: Blah. Who cares?

Hope Awakens

Sarlaac Pit

What makes me a Geek Goddess?

I’m into lots of different fandoms for entertainment, as well as science and skepticism…and I’m also into sex and fetishes!

– Reya Fet

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Hope Awakens

Hope Awakens

Sarlaac Pit

Sarlaac Pit

Fondest Geek Memory

Learning how to play Magic

Dream Cosplay

Agent Carter

Follow MyGeekGoddess On


Convention: DragonCon
Real Geek Female: Rebecca Watson
Fictional Geek Female: Felicity Smoak
Character to Cosplay: Rey, Ramona Flowers
Food: Like everything. Chorizo tacos, Anything with tomatoes, spicy foods
Movie: Day of the Dead, Rogue One, It Follows
TV Show: Game of Thrones, Angel
Color: Burnt Orange
Style of Panties: Low-riding thongs

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