Ruby Renoir

Birthday: November 4th
Sexual Orientation: bisexual
Astrological Sign: Scorpio

C'Mon Gumshoe

Hey Listen

What makes me a Geek Goddess?

I’m a reader, a watcher, a gamer, and a goof. I keep my games in a treasure chest I made myself. When I was a kid, I was never without a book or a comic. I’ve been known to get into a story or a series or a game, and be lost to all other things for days. I refuse to date anyone who can’t geek out with me.

– Ruby Renoir

Purchase Sets of Ruby Renoir

C'mon Gumshoe

C'mon Gumshoe

Hey Listen!

Hey Listen!

Strike 3

Strike 3

My nerdy little secrets.

I will squeak any time I see a totoro. I have to play Ocarina of Time at least once a year. I consider Jean-Luc Picard my second father.

Dream Cosplay

Sorceress Adel--FFVIII

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Convention: Steamcon
Real Geek Female: Amber Case, cyborg anthropologist
Fictional Geek Female: Radical Edward
Character to Cosplay: Death
Food: deep fried macaroni and cheese
Movie: Paprika
TV Show: Firefly
Color: fuchsia
Style of Panties: lace boy shorts

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