Ugh, trying to keep up with everything has my head spinning! I should really write more blog entries! Just had a fun week celebrating my birthday, and location scouting. I’ve been urban exploring like crazy, but my search for a dilapidated playground is out of reach still. It’s been a real pain, but something will work hopefully!
In the meantime, I have several cosplays planned that I’m looking to finish off, it’s impossible finding all of the pieces for some of these on a reasonable level. I did FINALLY get my Dante jacket, but I’ve been searching for a 3D printer, or an extra $150 hanging around so I can order my guns. ;D
ALSO, I’ve decided that I’ll be coming to Boston, MA for Comic Con this year in August (11-13). I’m really excited, debating what to dress up as. I’m headed there to be a fan girl, and to start a modeling tour up towards East Coast. Maybe some fans will see me around your area! ;] I’m super excited to get going on another tour, even if it is a bit of time away!
I’m waiting on my next set to go live so I can submit more, can’t wait to shoot these new characters!