Jay Ignition

Birthday: February 9th
Pronoun: He/Him
Sexual Orientation: Bi-sexual
Astrological Sign: Aquarius

Jay Ignition’s Photo Sets

What makes me a Geek God?

Versatility 😉

– Jay Ignition

Purchase Sets of Jay Ignition

Stay Alive

Stay Alive

Retired Dragon

Retired Dragon

Taste of a Liar

Taste of a Liar

Ice Spears

Ice Spears

Fondest Geek Memory

AUSA 2019, I stuck a 3 point super hero landing after jumping off the stage during the burlesque show dressed as Kyo Sohma and obliterated the audience. 

What is/are your Nerdy Little Secrets?

Cosplay stays on during sex.

– Jay Ignition

Dream Cosplay

Demon Homura Akemi or an outfit of Ciel Phantomhive’s from the Kuroshitsuji artbook

Convention: Colossalcon Prime
Real Geek Girl: Araki Hirohiko
Fictional Geek Girl: Edward Elric
Character to Cosplay: Aoba Seragaki
Food: Sushi
Movie: V for Vendetta
Color: Black, Red and Purple
Style of Underwear: Boy Shorts

Spoil Jay Ignition with a gift from his wishlist