Jess Jupiter

Birthday: July 27th
Sexual Orientation: Sexy Sexual
Astrological Sign: Leo

Jess Jupiters’s Photo Sets

What makes me a Geek Goddess?

Okay, this is going to sound insanely dorky… You know that high that you get before a convention? Like, you’re excited, nervous, and happy all at once and it makes you jump out of your skin because you might get to meet your favorite celebrity, you’ll definitely spend awesome time with friends, and you’ll have an amazing weekend? After going to conventions for 10 years, I still get that! I spend countless hours (mixed with literal blood, sweat, and tears) working on costumes so that I can feel as sexy as I do badass & as nerdy as I do awesome while I’m cosplaying! I love collecting things, I love making things, I love meeting other people who like this stuff! I love the way being nerdy makes me feel!

– Jess Jupiter

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Tongue of Valeria

Tongue of Valeria



Demon Baby

Demon Baby

Locate and Seduce

Locate and Seduce

My nerdy little secrets.

I wrote an entire X-Men fanfiction novella in high school. If you get to read it, you’ll be inducted into a secret order of readers called “The We Shall Never Speak Of This Again” tribe.

Dream Cosplay

Belle’s ballgown from Beauty and the Beast! I want to be able to twirl into a ballroom and hum the soundtrack.


Convention: A tie between Anime Central (my hometown con), C2E2, and Dragon Con!
Real Geek Female: Its literally impossible to name just one! I love all my lady friends who show support for nerdiness!
Fictional Geek Female: Kate Kane, Leslie Knope, Dr. Mrs. The Monarch, Hannah from Rat Queens, and Carolina from Red vs. Blue.
Character to Cosplay: Another question that is impossible to give an answer too! I cosplay characters and concepts that I love, so each costume holds a special place in my heart. Even the crappy joke costumes!
Food: I’m boring. I really like fruit. And popcorn. And ice cream.
Movie: Oh jeeze……I won’t bore you with a giant wall of text listing movies, haha. I like sci-fi, horror, and romantic flicks. I love movies that make me think about something deeper than face value.
TV Show: Game of Thrones, Parks and Rec, Sons of Anarchy. Neon Genesis Evangelion, The Venture Brothers, Archer. And like… a bagillion others.
Color: #6E00B8
Style of Panties: Cheeksters! They make every butt look even more awesome!

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