Kita Minx

Birthday: August 11th
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Astrological Sign: Leo

Kita Minx’s Photo Sets

What makes me a Geek Goddess?

I was one of my debate team captains throughout high school. Like, I willingly gave up most of my weekends FOR FUN just to debate other schools. I guess my debating style can be best described as aggressively diplomatic??? I just straight up enjoy learning and am a fountain of wealth in the vast, vast ocean of useless information. That being said, I have no issue with wasting an entire day on video games or marathoning shows (or both). I think that makes me more of a hermit than anything but I swear, I’m a boss bitch. I also have more than one geeky tattoo, but you’ll have to guess where.

– Kita Minx

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Lucky Star

Lucky Star

Hentai Girl

Hentai Girl

Black Mamba

Black Mamba

Tech Support

Tech Support



Can You Feel Me Too

Can You Feel Me Too

Planetary Alignment

Planetary Alignment

My nerdy little secrets.

I get really excited REALLY easily, kind of in the way small nervous dogs do. For example, I was dog sitting this fat little Chihuahua once who would pee all over the place when he got super playful. As I write this, I know I’m no different than that dog; I got so excited about Game of Thrones I started to throw up a little. I cry every time I play Animal Crossing. I hyperventilate whenever someone talks to me about my NERV tattoo. I get so fanatical over things I like! My dad is the same way, but our only shared enthusiasm is Diablo. Oh and I have a dream that one day I can start an anime twerk team.

Recommended Sets

Black Mamba


Warped Mind

Dream Cosplay

Honestly? Brak from the Brak Show.

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Convention: New York Comic Con
Real Geek Female: Elise Andrew, the owner of I Fucking Love Science ♡
Fictional Geek Female: Brienne of Tarth from Game of Thrones. Be still, my heart~
Character to Cosplay: Sally Jupiter
Movie: Tekkonkinkreet
TV Show: Don’t make me choose! I love Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones, Broad City…
Color: Pink!
Style of Panties: Cheekies forever, cheekies for life

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