
Birthday: October 13th
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Astrological Sign: Libra
Pronouns: She/Her

Put A Ring On It

Enormous Soul

What makes me a Geek Goddess?

I’ve always been a huge fan of slice of life and action animes. Some of my favorites are classics like InuYasha and Heavens Lost Property. I’ve been in the nerdlesque scene for a few years now where I really found my love for being dirty and nerdy. Being the alt goth GF has its perks!

– Rae

Purchase Sets of Rae

Enormous Soul

Enormous Soul

Put a Ring on It

Put a Ring on It

My nerdy little secrets.

I strive for big audience reactions. Even if that means me wearing a big mascot fursuit on stage.

Fondest Geek Memory

Finally getting to cosplay for the FIRST time and seeing so many people who wanted photos with me!

Dream Cosplay

Daki from Demon Slayer! Shes so dramatic and stunning.

Follow Rae on


Convention: Holiday Matsuri in Orlando!
Real Geek: Ryan Reynolds. Specifically for Deadpool LOL
Character to Cosplay: Nadja from WWDITS
Food: Sushi or tacos! 🍣
Movie: Deadpool
Color: Purple
Style of Panties: Cheeky cut ♡

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