Tristin Vitriol

Birthday: February 7th
Astrological Sign: Aquarius
Pronouns: She/Her

Catch 'em All

Keeper of the Door


What makes me a Geek Goddess?

I mean, I’m a huge nerd and I love cosplay.

– Tristin Vitriol

Purchase Sets of Tristin Vitriol

Fabric of Reality

Fabric of Reality

Keeper of the Door

Keeper of the Door

Catch 'em All

Catch 'em All

My nerdy little secrets.

Heh. I’ll never tell.

Fondest Geek Memory

My first time at Celebration in 2018.

Recommended Sets

A Vision of Chaos

Dream Cosplay

Slave Leia

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Convention: C2E2
Real Geek: Seth Green
Fictional Geek: Luke Skywalker
Character to Cosplay: Slave Leia
Food: Weiner schnitzel
Movie: The Dark Crystal
TV Show: Invader Zim
Color: Black
Style of Panties: Bikini