A few nights ago I got an email from a film producer offering me a role in his new movie. Of course I was skeptical at first but then he sent over a script and legal documents. It seemed legit so we talked about the shooting schedule and locations . I was pretty much all in until I got around to reading the script. Now i appreciate a bad horror film just as much as anyone however this was REALLY bad. And I would know! I was in one before. Basically it a group of kids camping ad they all end up dead. But in-between all that there is like SO MUCH random for no reason nudity. i know what you’re thinking… ” But Britt, you’re a Goddess…. Ive seen your goodies…how could you have a problem with being nude?” Well I don’t have a problem with being nude or people seeing me that way. What I do have a problem with is writing in stupid out of character and context nudity into a scene just for the sake of tits and ass. I love movies. I especially love horror movies and while yes, some of the greats do have tits, the tits were there for a reason. It wasn’t ” I’m going to do my homework , but I think I’ll get naked first” and the uptight virgin girlfriend doesn’t just all of a sudden decide ” hey, ya know what? I’m gonna have three way in the middle of this Walmart” So because of my love and respect for cinema I declined the role. Plus the story was terrible. It sucks I won’t be in a movie but I really don’t want to be a part of something I don’t believe in or wouldn’t be proud of.

Bibbity Bobbity Burly Show
The Fandom Nerdlesque and My Geek Glory presents Bippity Boppity Burly: A fantasia of sexy nerdy fun parodying all things Disney! Come join our performers