I cant believe Its 8 months and Im just now getting around to posting a blog! eek… well Im Hada Pixie, but really yall can just call me Pixie. Im local to Georgia and dont travel much, Id like to do more of it, but when I’m away from home I miss my pets. Im a dog-and-cat-mom, vegan, and an artist. If I had to narrow myself down to 3 things I guess that would be it. My debut set on here was everyone’s favorite red-head if youre into The X-Files. That show was my first sci-fi love and both main characters were my first celeb crushes! I am actually going back and watching it in order from the beginning and am currently in season 7! there is so much i missed watching it when it aired on sunday nights LMAO anyway. Im not great at these things, but before I go I added a Pixie Q&A thread in the forums. if anyone is interested in asking me a question click here: https://www.mygeekgoddess.com/community/topic/hi-questions-you-always-wanted-to-know-about-hada-pixie/ … and hopefully it will take you to the thread Oh! and If you’re wondering when you will see another set of mine, i am shooting again at the end of may!!! *woo*

Bibbity Bobbity Burly Show
The Fandom Nerdlesque and My Geek Glory presents Bippity Boppity Burly: A fantasia of sexy nerdy fun parodying all things Disney! Come join our performers
2 Responses
I really love X-Files and I think you did an AMAZING job as Scully!
thank you! 🙂