So, today I watched the Winter finales for two of my favorite t.v. shows. I won’t say what they are, so it won’t be spoiled. Anyways, I just have to say that I can’t believe that both of my favorite shows took this as an opportunity to send my favorite characters from each show to hell. Like, holy shit guys. So, now I have to wait til January in one case, March in the other (what is with that wait?!) to find out what happens to my favorite people. I’m having a depressed fan moment, this is so long to wait. If you’ve seen these shows and know what I’m talking about, you should let me know…we can cry together. But for real, I need to figure out what I’m going to do in the mean time. I suppose I could adult a bit, we’ll see.

Bibbity Bobbity Burly Show
The Fandom Nerdlesque and My Geek Glory presents Bippity Boppity Burly: A fantasia of sexy nerdy fun parodying all things Disney! Come join our performers