Convention: AnimeNext
Real Geek Female: Emma Watson, Jennifer Lawrence
Fictional Geek Female: Usagi (Sailor Moon), Hotaru Tomoe (Sailor Moon), Molly Carpenter (Dresden Files), Phedre (Kusheline Series), Daenerys (G.oT.), Melisandre (Kusheline Series)
Character to Cosplay: Death
Food: Pasta
Movie: The Crow, The Princess Bride, Robin Hood: Men in Tights, Harry Potter (all), Boondock Saints, Chasing Amy, The Lost Boys, Pirates of the Caribbean, Final Fantasy Advent Children, Nightmare Before Christmas
TV Show: Supernatural, Doctor Who, Jekyll, Being Human (BBC), Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Big Bang Theory, Kitchen Nightmares, Castle
Color: Silver, forest and hunter green, blue, royal purple, blood red, black
Style of Panties: Bikini